Don’t look for a perfect blueprint to a digital product. Look for the right guides instead

If you’re stuck in the labyrinth of starting a new product, it can be hard to sift through all of the advice and common wisdom you’ll encounter. It’s an exciting time, but you’re also very aware that the wrong turn early on can send you down the wrong path.

There’s no way to completely steer clear of a storm, but there’s some ways to make sure you have the right team and the right navigator by your side to get you through the challenges ahead. If you’re stuck in the labyrinth of starting a new product, it can be hard to sift through all of the advice and common wisdom you’ll encounter. It’s an exciting time, but you’re also very aware that the wrong turn early on can send you down the wrong path. There’s no way to completely steer clear of a storm, but there’s some ways to make sure you have the right team and the right navigator by your side to get you through the challenges ahead.

Here’s some quick advice to get started:

No one can promise you everything

Some cliches are so often used because they very often prove to be true. So – if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Be wary of huge promises. No one can guarantee a flawless delivery – there are simply too many variables in complex projects and the right team will address that challenge head on.

Does someone say they can finish a project fast? There could be massive bugs that went undiscovered. Or you thought a complex, time consuming feature would be a knockout hit? Without the research to back it up, no one can read the mind of your customer base. India based Galgal was built with a full team of experts for ideation, research, and strategy. The result is a friendly banking app that makes financial planning smooth and enjoyable. You can hear more about how it got there – CEO and Founder Harsh Chhatrapati talks about how we got to the heart and soul of Galgal here.

Take the time and find a guide that will promise to support you, not one that will promise you anything just to work with you.

Focus on looking for guides

You own your business and have a great idea for a digital product. But the road ahead of you is a long one and full of risks. Or perhaps you’re a seasoned veteran of making digital products, but you want to expand your product offering or explore new technologies. A guide can provide their experience, advice, and knowledge to help you avoid common traps and solve complex issues. 

You can be the hero that champions your idea, but most great stories have this kind of mentor figure – a guide through the unknown journey ahead of them. Look for guides that have led others through the same challenges many times before.  If you’re trying to build a digital bank from scratch, you would look for the people that have done that before and already know what could go wrong. Just look to Mox for an example.

Get the benefit of experienced experts that have seen the same product journey play out many times before – combined with your vision.

In the end, open collaboration will get you through any storm

Starting up a cooperation based on mutual trust and respect will get you further. Many of us have seen the pitfalls of practicing pure hierarchy in projects. Luckily, there’s no need to wind up in this situation. Give the teams you bring in the courage to question your decisions and you might just catch small mistakes before they become fatal errors. Starting up a cooperation based on mutual trust and respect will get you further. Many of us have seen the pitfalls of practicing pure hierarchy in projects. Luckily, there’s no need to wind up in this situation. Give the teams you bring in the courage to question your decisions and you might just catch small mistakes before they become fatal errors.

Open collaboration can look like working with a flexible scope or having weekly feedback sessions that give everyone on the team a chance to share their concerns or observations. This perspective will also keep you open to new ideas. If you hire a team to support your product, you want people who are enthusiastic about your vision, but still not afraid to point out some potential issues.

People might surprise you with new perspectives when you let them light the way.

Now you’re ready to set out

With those three things in mind, we hope you feel more ready than ever to start your product journey. And if you’re still not sure where to turn, you can talk to us about your ideas – just reach out to us here. With those three things in mind, we hope you feel more ready than ever to start your product journey. And if you’re still not sure where to turn, you can talk to us about your ideas – just reach out to us here.

Marcel Klimo

Interested in learning more from one of our very own specialists? Reach out to Marcel and start your Product discovery journey.


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